About three weeks ago, I emailed Senators Torricelli and Corzine and Congressman Pascrell concerning their positions on Iraq. Not having heard back from any of them, I have written again. This time, I also wrote to Douglas Forrester with the same question. All of the letters looked essentially like this, adjusted to reflect the fact that the other addressees were already in office:
Dear Candidate Forrester:
Knowing what you know today, if you were a member of the Senate and if a vote were held today on a resolution authorizing the US to wage a war on Iraq, would you vote in favor of or against that resolution?
Would it make a difference to your vote that the resolution did not require the consent of the UN Security Council before the US could initiate a war?
I look forward to hearing from you shortly.
Carey Gage
Based on the comments of another blogger (who shall remain nameless because I can't remember his or her name), I included a hint that I maintain a blog, such as it is. Maybe that will help generate a response.