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Thursday, September 05, 2002
The dreaded Berkeley Bozo virus strikes again, this time with near fatal results:

The Sept. 11 Day of Remembrance, sponsored by the Chancellor's office, the student body government and the Graduate Assembly, will also feature student leaders distributing white ribbons, instead of the red, white and blue ones they had originally planned.

"We thought that may be just too political, too patriotic," said Hazel Wong, chief organizer for the Associated Students of the University of California (ASUC). "We didn't want anything too centered on nationalism-anything that is 'Go U.S.A.'"

Wong said the event organizers are "trying to steer away" from anything political, and that, she said, includes singing the National Anthem and displaying the red, white, and blue. She said they don't want politics disrupting mourning and grieving.

What are they going to do with the white ribbons, surrender?

Recently identified by research scientists from the Directmail Institute Program To Study Hopeless Idotartarian Types (DIPSHIT), the Berkeley Bozo virus outbreak was initially limited to city administrators and school officials in the California city whose name it bears by the relentless and widespread application of fact checking to the derrieres of a cross section of the city's population last fall. Institute researchers say that a new outbreak has been identified, however, which threatens to consume Berkeley, San Francisco and Los Angeles.

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